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暗殺者 (台語)

阿明半暝轉來到厝,老母猶未睏teh等伊,入門tō問:“敢有影?美國á kap咱斷交”“有影lah,新聞teh報。”“是按怎beh kap咱斷?”阿明無想著老母thàn食人賣蚵te,也會問這款kap美國á外交ê問題,tshìn-tshái tō應:“Khi-moo-tsih bái tō斷。” “Ah有要緊無?”這日有人客買蚵te,kā伊tâu:“Tann台灣知慘a。”所以這暗蔥命猶m̄睏,專工等阿明轉來,beh問伊有要緊無。“阿母,你ta̍k日tī巷á頭煎蚵te,我tī市á賣虱目魚丸湯,hit個美國á總統腳踏,敢成實bat來交關一擺?斷無斷,生理照作,有啥關係?…作你去睏lah,免煩惱tse有ê無ê。”蔥命坐hia想,這個美國á總統mā是真無情,huah斷tō斷。





茶山情緣 (客家)

阿土嫂唱:老公逐日走四方,遊遊野野真放蕩。厓無閒直掣捩捩轉,汝毋曉佬厓來幫忙。 阿土哥: 晡娘姐,汝莫怨怪來莫受氣,換領靚衫厓渡汝上街去。

溫秀琴: 有啦有啦!蘭英該額恩俚較煞猛兜仔匉忒佢,佢个工錢會分恩俚兩儕匉啦! 溫秀鳳: 恁樣還差毋多!


每日一句 ---- 上海闲话






旅遊人生 討論區 (粵語)

幫襯佢一杯野飲就可以攤係個海邊耐耐GAM 吹住海風 睇住日落 落水浸浸身 再上番黎飲啖野飲><

而如果係酒店既住客就有優先啦~~~ YESSS ~ 唔駛去旅行都霸位呀MA真係><


2009.07.19 [, ] - comments


Book Review: The Bilingual Edge

The Bilingual Edge

Why, When, and How to
Teach Your Child Second Language

by Kendall King and Alison Mackey

These days there is a great deal of interest in raising children with bilingual skill. "The Bilingual Edge" is a great resource for parents who want to give their children the gift of bilingualism and to prepare them for the ever more connected world of the future.

The two authors are professor of linguistics specialize in second language learning. They give the book a scientific favor and much of the materials are backed by research data. Nevertheless it is written in everyday language and is not at all academic. Moreover the authors are parents themselves. They are walking their talk by raising their kids bilingually. Despite their credentials, they face many of the same parenting and social issues like we do and they also share their struggles in the book.

Just why do we want our children to become bilingual? Contrary to conventional thinking, learning a second language does not compete with the mother tongue. People who are good in a second language are actually more likely to be good in their first language. Besides the inherent advantage of speaking more than one language, studies have also shown that there is cognitive, academic and social edge in bilingual kids. In short, it makes you children smarter. I think this is more than enough motivation for most parents to consider bilingualism.

Some families are naturally more concern about bilingualism because they have emigrated to another country or they are bilingual themselves. But the authors make it clear that raising bilingual kids are not restricted to them. Indeed it is very much attainable for monolingual parents too. They guide the readers in choosing a second language by understanding the language strength in themselves, their family members and the resources available in their community.

I find their scientific approach especially relevant when dealing with the myriad of learning products being pushed to the parents. Just consider if there is any research to back the claim they make in the advertisements? Is it the product really more effective compares with other approaches, such as simply reading and talking to your children? The authors are skeptical about the claim of some popular products like Baby Einstein. Yet their opinions are actually nuanced. For example, they suggest you to watch the video with you children so that you can guide them, thereby turning a passive activity into an active learning process!

All in all this is a short and well researched book. It should answer many questions regarding learning a second language and help prepare our children into the amazing world of language learning.

2008.07.24 [, ] - comments


學習粵拼 II (Learning Jyutping II)




2007.12.07 [, , ] - comments


學習粵拼 I (Learning Jyutping I)



2007.12.06 [, , ] - comments


Jyutping (Cantonese Pronunciation) Table

Initially my blog was focused on technical IT subject. Overtime I have wrote less about that and more on general topics like travel. Today I will return to a technical topic about the Jyutping(粵拼) Cantonese romanization system.

I start off with the quest to learn and master a Chinese input method. Years ago I started with the Cangjie (倉頡) system. I never get much beyond basics because it is a difficult system to learn, let alone to master. Then I looked at pronunciation based system. I am glad to find out Cantonese based system is readily available. Out of the multiple romanization system, people seems to have gravitated toward the Jyutping system by the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong.

So the next step is to get familiar with the Jyutping system, which is not trivial for me because I am weak in phonetics. It will be very useful if there is a service to annotate a piece of Chinese text with the pronunciation under each character. Unfortunately I can find no such software besides some dictionary that does it character by character. Instead I have decided to write one myself, as a naïve translation should not be difficult to write.

Now all I need is a table of all Chinese characters and its Jyutping, i.e. the Jyutping specification. I have spent days searching the internet and come out empty handed. Linguistic Society of Hong Kong themselves provides little more than a general description. It is a shame even some links to its description are broken.

The good news is I have finally found it from the Unicode Han Database, a place I have crossed many time but have not realized they have compiled the most comprehensive data on Chinese characters, including Jyutping and even Cangjie code. With the database here I am ready for business!

(2010-02-17 Thanks Helena for the heads up. The Unihan database format has since changed. The new download link is Unihan.zip. Some general description such as Unicode NamesList File Format are also available. )

2007.11.29 [, , ] - comments


Have you eaten rice yet?

The original Thai "Hello" actually means "Have you eaten rice yet?", says this short article about travelling in Bangkok. It brought a smile to my face because this is identical to the Cantonese greeting <食咗飯未> that I have grown up with. Have you eaten rice yet? Its use has long since faded and it sounds funny today to greet each other with this. Who care about the boring rice when you can have any fancy food throughout the day? This phrase really takes you back to a time when after a hard day at work, people would enjoy the simple pleasure - a meal with a bowl of rice.

2006.08.07 [, ] - comments


Using Google as a Dictionary

I have found a new use of google. For years I was looking for an excellent electronic English dictionary to no avail. It turns out Google is the answer.

For example, I want to use the phrase at no avail but I am not sure if it is used correctly. It does not help that the dictionary does not have such entry. But a search with news.google.com quickly turns up many examples. It also shows me that the correct phrase is to no avail instead of at no avail. Now I can use the correct phrase with confidence.

2003.07.29 [] - comments


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