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Originally posted at travellife.org.










Movie Review - Ballad of Narayama

Ballad of Narayama (1983)
Director: Shohei Imamura

The Ballad of Narayama is set in a remote village in Japan. There was a tradition that before a parent reaches the age of 70, the son will bring her on the back to a remote mountain, where she will let die alone, so as not be become a burden to the family in this very deprived village. Orin was 69. She was preparing for her journey. She reminds her son Tatsuhei not to behave like his father, who 30 years ago has evaded the duty of carrying his own mother to the mountain and brought disgrace to the whole family.

20 years after my first viewing of this film I have come to know director Shohei Imamura a little better. I have also paid more attention to the social theme depicted. Besides this mountain ritual, the village also harbors a great deal of brutality, which are often codified into traditions. In this world they are all part of a population control scheme. Just being the second born son relegate one to an underclass who would lose the right to marriage and starting one's own family. The problem of second son is sometimes avoided at the start by infanticide. Far from an idyllic village, this can also be a very ugly place. Scarcity can bring out the worst in human.

The journey into the mountain was long and arduous. As dictated by tradition, mother and son spent the last hours together almost without a word. Still you can see the love between them. She refuse the rice ball offered and insist the son should have it, perhaps just like the old days. The mother settled in the valley with nothing but a straw mat. It was a gracious self-sacrifice that was so moving.

2008.08.15 [] - comments


Book Review: The Bilingual Edge

The Bilingual Edge

Why, When, and How to
Teach Your Child Second Language

by Kendall King and Alison Mackey

These days there is a great deal of interest in raising children with bilingual skill. "The Bilingual Edge" is a great resource for parents who want to give their children the gift of bilingualism and to prepare them for the ever more connected world of the future.

The two authors are professor of linguistics specialize in second language learning. They give the book a scientific favor and much of the materials are backed by research data. Nevertheless it is written in everyday language and is not at all academic. Moreover the authors are parents themselves. They are walking their talk by raising their kids bilingually. Despite their credentials, they face many of the same parenting and social issues like we do and they also share their struggles in the book.

Just why do we want our children to become bilingual? Contrary to conventional thinking, learning a second language does not compete with the mother tongue. People who are good in a second language are actually more likely to be good in their first language. Besides the inherent advantage of speaking more than one language, studies have also shown that there is cognitive, academic and social edge in bilingual kids. In short, it makes you children smarter. I think this is more than enough motivation for most parents to consider bilingualism.

Some families are naturally more concern about bilingualism because they have emigrated to another country or they are bilingual themselves. But the authors make it clear that raising bilingual kids are not restricted to them. Indeed it is very much attainable for monolingual parents too. They guide the readers in choosing a second language by understanding the language strength in themselves, their family members and the resources available in their community.

I find their scientific approach especially relevant when dealing with the myriad of learning products being pushed to the parents. Just consider if there is any research to back the claim they make in the advertisements? Is it the product really more effective compares with other approaches, such as simply reading and talking to your children? The authors are skeptical about the claim of some popular products like Baby Einstein. Yet their opinions are actually nuanced. For example, they suggest you to watch the video with you children so that you can guide them, thereby turning a passive activity into an active learning process!

All in all this is a short and well researched book. It should answer many questions regarding learning a second language and help prepare our children into the amazing world of language learning.

2008.07.24 [, ] - comments


Abandoned Planet Closing

I was walking by Valencia Street this afternoon and I've decided to check out Abandoned Planet, a small second hand bookstore. It has been a while since I have been there and I was wondering if it is still around. Independent bookstores are facing a lot of difficulties these days. Naturally I have concern about it.

It turned out the bookstore is still open, but only for a few more weeks. It is running a closing sale right now. A few weeks from now it is going to close for good, to meet the same fate like so many other small bookstores.

Over the years I have purchased a few books from them. The first one is Carlos Fuentes' Orange Tree. It was only a random purchase and a great find for me. Carlos Fuentes' imaginative depiction of the conquest of Mexico still intrigues me.

For me this Valencia Street corner is one of the defining San Francisco experience. When I first come to the city, I was enchanted by this neighborhood with great food and all kinds of cultural destinations, all within close proximity. I realize the economy is always hard on these small businesses. The Roxie Cinema around the corner is another long time institution those end I fear is not far. Business do come and go. But Valencia Street without Abandoned Planet or Roxie is probably not going to be the same. I am going to miss it.




Hong Kong Economic Journal

Hong Kong Economic Journal has launched their online edition at last! HKEJ is by far the best Chinese newspaper. Finally I can access their articles from US. They must have been spending a lot of time trying to figure out a business model to sustain the web edition and at the same time maintain the business of the traditional paper. It is on their 35th anniversary, under the diminishing business climate for tradition newspaper that they finally tread into online world.

Like most Hong Kong newspaper's website, they charge a subscription fee. The annual rate is just HKD398 right now, which I paid without second thought. They website is clean and quite well organized. This is a rather great contrast to other Chinese website, which tend to have dense clutter of materials and flashy graphics. It seems they are able to carry over the same clean design of the paper edition into the web. There are forum for users to comment on articles. The volume of comment is modest so far. I have high hope that eventually they can tend the forums into lively and high quality conversations. Another curious thing is that there are only very very few advertisements. I hope this is because the website is new and not because of lack of interest from advertisers.

All in all I am very excited about this. I hope the Hong Kong Economic Journal will continue to flourish both online and offline.



Python Stock Quote

There are many free tools available to help people manage their stock portfolio. For example, you can use Yahoo! Finance to track your current holdings. For each stock it list many detail financial data as well as stock chart for various periods. Still, when you need to do more sophisticated analysis, there is nothing that beats the power of spreadsheet.

Fortunately it is easy to pull the data from the web tool to a spreadsheet. You can simple copy and paste the data into a spreadsheet to get a properly formatted table. For there you can add your custom formula or charts. The problem is unlike the web view, data downloaded on a spreadsheet is not updated with current market information. On the other hand if you download the again you will lose all custom formula you have added.

To get the best of both world, I have created a script to so that you can update your spreadsheet with the latest stock quote from the web. This is a simple Python script. It first looks for the stock symbols in your portfolio in your spreadsheet. It then fetches the (15 minute delayed) stock quote from a Yahoo web services. Finally it updates the cells in the spreadsheet with new data from Yahoo.

This tool requires Python 2.5, Excel and pywin32 extension. Click here to download the stock quote update script.

2008.06.22 [] - comments


Plastic bag pollution

Recently I have come to aware of the issue of Great Pacific Garbage Patch from the media. It is large region in the Pacific Ocean that has accumulated much man-made garbage carried there by ocean current. Amount them are many plastic trash. On one hand plastic are very durable because they are not biodegradable. On the other hand plastic are photodegradable, meaning under the exposure of sunlight, they will slowly break down into smaller and smaller pieces. The result is a high concentration of pollutant in the water that is nearly impossible to clean up.

To most people this problem is nothing more than just a scientific interest. After all we don't venture into the middle of the ocean. So this problem is out of sight, out of mind. But today I have personally experienced the effect of photodegradation right in my own backyard.

Two years ago my mother has spent several months in my home. In her spare time she has built a vegetable garden in the yard. Being, shall I say, a resourceful person, she has reused many trash items to build a trellis. For example she scavenged many plastic bags that we would have throw away and used it as ties to the stakes.

Unfortunately, after she has left, we have not given the garden proper upkeep. It was quickly overrun by weeds. And finally I have to clear it out. As I was dismantling the trellis, I found the plastic bags have become very flaky. After exposed in sunlight for 2 years, the have all photodegraded. As I tried to remove them, they just break down into small pieces of white plastic and scattered all over the garden. There is just no way for me to mop up these tiny pieces from the soil. Who would have thought plastic bags can turn into a much bigger headache after it has degraded like this.



Hong Kong History Museum

The Hong Kong Museum of History is running a special exhibition of the banking development in Shanghai and Hong Kong. Both modern day financial centers get their start from mid 19th century. It was an interesting exhibition of the development of the industry, from small native banks to modern day institutions, from hand written bookkeeping to electronic systems. [more...]



Visiting Home

This week I am visiting my parents in Hong Kong. I have grown up in Hong Kong and lived there for most of my life. But since 13 years ago I have moved aboard. During the time I make regular visit but otherwise have not spend too much time here. I have left long enough that I feel out of touch with my birth place in many ways.[more...]

2008.05.14 [] - comments


Daddy Goes to Work

There is so much fun watching a child learn. My 2 year old son is very used to the morning ritual of me leaving house. He has since learned to use the phrase "Daddy goes to work" to describe this ritual.[more...]



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